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Complete Hard-Drive Rebuild for Novell Network PC


We are now ready to run the actual Windows Set-Up

When the machine re-boots follow the following steps:

  1. change from c:\ (or whatever your hard drive is designated) to your cd drive d:\ (the command would be c:\>d:)
  2. run Windows setup d:\>setup (>win 95\setup) and automatically scandisk will run. If errors are found here they are hardware
  3. agree to license
  4. choose directory; accept defaults
  5. at the setup options choose appropriate method
  6. serial number from manual
  7. user info
  8. analyze computer (y) do not select hardware yet!!
  9. next setup will check to see what kind of hardware your computer has
  10. Select components:
  11. Network configuration
    -select Next (We will come back to this)
  12. Computer settings:
  13. Select Next
  14. copy windows files
  15. restart computer
    -accept defaults
  16. configure video card (insert setup CD)
  17. At this point you will have to restart your computer
  18. You will be ready to move on to [Setting Up Your Network Interface Card]

The Author of this Page

[Network Configuration Settings] [TCP/IP Properties] [Network Interface Card] [Gateway Settings] [DNS Configuration Settings] [Network Client Properties] [Proxy Server Settings] [Novell Support]