[Network Configuration Settings]
[TCP/IP Properties]
[Network Interface Card]
[Gateway Settings]
[DNS Configuration Settings]
[Network Client Properties]
[Proxy Server Settings]
[Novell Support]
Complete Hard-Drive Rebuild for Novell Network PC
- Enter Win 95 setup (F8)
- restart in MS-DOS (F8)
- select option 5 (command prompt)
- at the c:> type "\fdisk" (formats hard drive)
large disk support (y)
-partition status should be FAT32
- fdisk options
- select 3 (delete primary or dos-partition)
- delete primary partition (option 1)
-Enter no volume label
then restart from primary boot disk
- When the computer re-starts run fdisk again, this time select:
- (y)-large disk support (if you hard-drive is larger than 2 GB)
- create primary dos partition
- Restart the computer with the boot-up disk and type in:
- a:\>format c:/s (which formats the HDD & installs the system files)
- proceed with format (y)
- enter volume label
- escapechange to the a:\> prompt and install the CD-rom drivers
- remove setup floppy and reboot
- insert win95 cd or setup cd
We are now ready to run the actual
Windows Set-Up
When the machine re-boots follow the following steps:
- change from c:\ (or whatever your hard drive is designated) to your cd
drive d:\ (the command would be c:\>d:)
- run Windows setup d:\>setup (>win 95\setup) and automatically scandisk will run. If errors
are found here they are hardware
- agree to license
- choose directory; accept defaults
- at the setup options choose appropriate method
- serial number from manual
- user info
- name: Your Name
- company : Your Company Name
- analyze computer (y) do not select hardware yet!!
- next setup will check to see what kind of hardware your computer has
- Select components:
- if check box is greyed-out only some components have been selected
- if you 2x click you can select the components for each
- appropriate accessory options
- appropriate accessories
- appropriate communications
- appropriate Disk tools
- appropriate fax modem
- appropriate mutimedia
- appropriate MS network
- appropriate windows messaging
- Network configuration
-select Next (We will come back to this)
- Computer settings:
- Machines
- Standard PC
- Start-up disk
- No
- Select Next
- copy windows files
- restart computer
-accept defaults
- configure video card (insert setup CD)
- Go to Desktop properties // settings // advanced // change // have disk
- Let win 95 find the video card andinstall appropriate driver
- You now need to change the settings on the video card:
- desktop properties // settings // appropriate color setting & desktop area
- At this point you will have to restart your computer
- You will be ready to move on to [Setting Up Your Network Interface Card]
The Author of this Page
[Network Configuration Settings]
[TCP/IP Properties]
[Network Interface Card]
[Gateway Settings]
[DNS Configuration Settings]
[Network Client Properties]
[Proxy Server Settings]
[Novell Support]